A part is any CC3 drawing that you insert into another drawing. They can be used as an alternative to symbols to add scale bars, compass roses and keys to maps as well as inserting map sections into other maps. They can also be sused to add fill styles, sheets and layers from one map to another. Frequently used symbols can also be imported into drawings via parts.
To create a part file:
· Make a CC3 drawing in the usual way, using ORIGIN (View > Origin) to set the (0,0) point as explained below;
· Use the CREATE PART command (Insert > Create Part) to save selected entities from an existing drawing as a separate file.
When CC3 inserts one file into another as a part, it puts the inserted file's origin or (0,0) coordinate on the "insert at:" point. When you start a new drawing, the (0,0) point is below and to the left of the screen. When you create a drawing to use as a part, use ORIGIN (View menu) to set the (0,0) point to a logical point in the part — the center or lower-left corner is usually a good choice.
Normally, entities that you insert as parts keep the layer assignments that they had in the original part file (so you can have multi-layer parts). If you want CC3 to insert the part on the current work layer instead, draw the entities in the part file on the Merge layer. If you forgot to set a part up this way, it is easy to move the newly inserted part to the current layer -- just select (Change Layer), select by PRIOR, then choose DO IT. Right-click to display the Select Layer dialog box, then choose OK to accept the current layer.
Methods for inserting parts:
· Insert File adds one part at a time;
Text-only Methods
· INSERT PART · PART ARRAY builds a rectangular array (rows and columns);
· CIRC PART ARRAY builds a circular array (spokes and rings).
Each time you insert a part, you can scale and rotate it as needed. If units in the part file are different from the units in the current drawing, CC3 does the conversion for you.
CC3 can insert each part as a GROUP as it is added to your drawing, treating the entire part as a single entity. To modify individual entities within inserted parts, you can unlock group effects, perform entity edits, and then restore group effects. Use the UNGROUP command to permanently disassociate a grouped part.
If you don’t want parts grouped when they are inserted, select Tools > Options > FCW/FSC/FCT and uncheck "Group parts on insertion".
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