Circ Part Array

This is a text-only command.


CIRC PART ARRAY (Circular Part Array) inserts multiple parts arranged in rings. It's like a combination of CIRCULAR ARRAY and PART ARRAY. The angle of the first spoke (from the center to the "copy origin" or insertion point) determines the angle of each part in the array.

  1. CC3 displays the Part to Insert dialog box. This is the standard File Selection dialog box. To select a part to insert and array:

·   Double-click a filename;

·   Select a filename using the cursor and choose Open;

·   Type a drawing filename from the list of available drawings.

  1. CC3 displays the Circular Part Array dialog box. You may adjust part scaling, rotation, and circular array options.

·   The default scaling is 1.0 (same size as the original part). Type in a new scale factor if you wish to insert the part at a larger or smaller size.

·   The default XY rotation angle is 0.0°. If you wish to rotate each part upon insertion, type in a new rotation between 0 degrees and 360 degrees. For example, type "45" to rotate each part 45 degrees counter-clockwise.

·   Enter the number of spokes you want the circular array to have.

·   Enter the number of rings you want the circular array to have.

·   Enter the angle between spokes you want the circular array to have. The value of the angle is pre-calculated to space the parts evenly around a full circle. You may over-ride this value with a different angle.

·   Enter the distance between rings you want the circular array to have.

  1. Choose OK to confirm the parameters.

  2. The prompt reads "Array Center:". Select the location for the placement of the array center. Use the crosshairs or type numeric coordinates.

CC3 displays a rubber-band cursor, anchored at the insertion point.

  1. The prompt reads "Insert 1st part at:". Select an insertion point for the first part (on the inner ring of the first spoke).

CC3 draws the circular array and terminates the command.

To remove the new entities:

Use the UNDO command (Edit > Undo). If you inserted an array, UNDO removes it completely

Text equivalent: CPARY (display dialog box)

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Working with parts