To undo an action, click Undo .
CC3 includes a multi-level undo facility. At almost any point in your drawing, you can backtrack your steps until you reach the point of your last SAVE. Using the auto-repeat feature (click to repeat commands), you can sequentially see the effect of each undo.
To redo an UNDO (undo the UNDO), select REDO. Doing so will redo the last step undone. You can continue to redo until you reach the last draw/edit you performed. The REDO command only works if it immediately follows an UNDO command. For instance, if UNDO, draw a line, and then attempt a REDO, the REDO will have no effect.
Right click Undo to see more Undo tools, including Redo All and Flip.
To redo a series of undoes, use the REDO ALL command. As long as the UNDO commands were performed sequentially, the original commands can all be restored with UNDO ALL. Like the regular REDO command, there cannot be an intervening command.
If you wish to toggle between the original and undone states, use the FLIP command. After invoking FLIP, you can auto-repeat by mouse clicking anywhere on the drawing. Each click will flip back and forth between the "before" and "after" versions of your drawing.
After you are satisfied with the UNDO or REDO, you could SAVE your drawing to compress it, permanently removing the unused versions of the entities. This is important if you’ve performed many draw or edit commands that involved large numbers of entities. The database compression that automatically occurs with a SAVE command can free up useful hunks of memory.
Text equivalent: UNDO
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