Part Array

This is a text-only command.


PART ARRAY builds a rectangular array (rows and columns) from multiple copies of a part file, arranging the parts in regularly spaced columns and rows.

  1. CC3 displays the Part to Insert dialog box. This is the standard File Selection dialog box. To select a part to insert and array:

·   Double-click a filename;

·   Select a filename using the cursor and choose Open;

·   Type a drawing filename from the list of available drawings.

  1. CC3 displays the Rectangular Part Array dialog box. You may adjust part scaling, rotation, and array options.

·   The default scaling is 1.0 (same size as the original part). Type in a new scale factor if you wish to insert the part at a larger or smaller size.

·   The default XY rotation angle is 0.0°. If you wish to rotate each part upon insertion, type in a new rotation between 0 degrees and 360 degrees. For example, type "45" to rotate each part 45 degrees counter-clockwise.

·   Enter the number of columns you want the array to have.

·   Enter the number of rows you want the array to have.

  1. Choose OK to confirm the parameters.

  2. The prompt reads "Insert 1st part at:". Enter an insertion point.

CC3 displays a rubber-band cursor, anchored at the insertion point.

  1. The prompt reads "2nd column 2nd row:": This offset from the insertion point tells CC3 both the horizontal and vertical distance between parts. Use the rubber-band cursor to help you judge the spacing. When you are satisfied with the distance, left-click.

CC3 draws the array and terminates the command.

To remove the new entities:

Use the UNDO command (Edit > Undo). If you inserted an array, UNDO removes it completely.

Text equivalent: PARY

Related Topics

Working with parts