Rectangular Array can be accessed by right clicking on Copy
RECTANGULAR ARRAY makes a rectangular array (regularly spaced rows and columns) of copies. Build rectangular arrays using entities in your drawing or parts and symbols inserted from another file.
To build a rectangular array, select Copy > Rectangular Array:
1 Select entities to array using the Entity Selection dialog box.
2 The prompt reads "Number of columns [n]:". CC3 is asking for the number of horizontal copies to draw. Type the total number of objects in each row, including the original. Right-click to accept the default or prior value.
3 The next prompt reads "Number of rows [n]:". CC3 is asking for the number of vertical copies to draw. Type the total number of objects in each column, including the original. Right-click to accept the default or prior value.
4 The prompt reads "Repeat origin:". This is a base point that CC3 uses to determine spacing between copies. Select a point on the object to be copied.
CC3 displays a rubber-band cursor, anchored at the "Repeat origin".
5. The prompt reads "2nd row, 2nd column:". This offset from the base point tells CC3 both the horizontal and vertical distance you want between parts in the array. You can use the rubber-band cursor to help you judge the spacing. Select the point.
CC3 draws the array and terminates the command.
Note: If you enter quantity = 1 for the number of columns and rows, the array command will cancel itself rather than (likely inadvertently) copy the selected entities on top of themselves.
To remove the new entities:
Use the UNDO command (Edit > Undo).
Text equivalent: REPEAT
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