This is a text-only command.
Type the text equivalent at the command prompt.
CREATE PART is a text-only command which saves selected entities from the current drawing as a separate drawing. Use File > Save As > Selected entities instead.
CC3 displays the Create Part Name dialog box, allowing you to select or create a filename to which the part will be written. Remember that the part file will be a standard FCW type file that can be opened by itself or inserted as a part.
Select entities using the Entity Selection dialog box..
The prompt reads "Part origin:". Select the part origin using the cursors or by typing numeric coordinates. This is the (0,0) point for the new part file. CC3 will align the new part's origin with the insertion point when you insert the part into another file. Usually, you will select a point on the lower-left corner or center of the entities to be included in the part.
CC3 copies the selected entities into the specified file. If entities you select for the part are already part of a group, they will be assimilated into a new part group when the new part is inserted into another drawing.
Text equivalent: CPART (display dialog box)
Macro Equivalent: WRITEM
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