On the Tools menu click Groups to select Group.
GROUP combines multiple entities so they act like a single entity. Use GROUP to create structures composed of multiple entities that you want to keep together.
When you insert parts with INSERT PART, PART ARRAY, or CIRC PART ARRAY, they come in the drawing as groups (or not, depending on your preferences).
Groups maintain a hierarchical (or "nested") structure. As groups are combined, they retain their original identities and member entities (each group is internally assigned a unique number that identifies itself). For example, if two existing groups were grouped together and then UNGROUPed, the two original groups would still exist.
Each group is internally assigned a unique number that identifies itself. Entities pasted from the clipboard are not grouped, but groups pasted from the clipboard receive new numbers.
If you want to temporarily unlock a group, depress the Lock/Unlock button.
Individual entities in a group cannot be edited. Single-entity EDIT commands such as BREAK or TRIM will not operate on entities in a group. Multiple-entity EDIT commands will operate on the entire group, even if some entities in the group are on hidden layers.
To break a group temporarily or permanently in your drawing:
Use the UNGROUP command. UNGROUP removes one level of grouping. Ungrouped entities remain associated with their last group membership, even though they are no longer part of an active group. Selecting such an entity using the REGROUP command will re-associate the group.
To remove all levels of grouping from a grouped entity:
Use the EXPLODE command (Edit > Explode).
To determine the hierarchical structure of a nested group:
Use the LIST command (Info > List) and select the group(s) you wish to inspect.
The UNDO command will work with GROUP.
Text equivalent: GROUP
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