Insertable Files: Shows all files of a type that can be inserted
CC3 FCW or FCT Drawing: Inserts a CC3 drawing. When you have selected your drawing, click an insertion point. Click more insertion points to continue adding files, or right click. See the Command Prompt for scaling and rotation options.
CC3 FSC Symbol Catalog: Insert all the symbol defintions from the selected file, letting you know how many defintions have been added. Click Symbol Manager on the Symbol menu to see the symbols now in the current drawing.
AutoCAD DWG or AutoCAD DXF file: Inserts an vector AutoCAD file. When you have selected your drawing, click an insertion point. Click more insertion points to continue adding files, or right click. See the Command Prompt for scaling and rotation options.
BMP Bitmap Inserts a bitmap image, perhaps one you have scanned, into the drawing. After you have selected the bimap, click a corner for the bitmap. The cursor locks to the ratio of the bitmap you are inserting: press CTRL if you do not want to maintain the images aspect ratio. Press SHIFT to rotate the bitmap.
PNG Bitmap Inserts a png file, which can include transparent pixels. After you have selected the bimap, click a corner for the bitmap. The cursor locks to the ratio of the bitmap you are inserting: press CTRL if you do not want to maintain the images aspect ratio. Press SHIFT to rotate the bitmap.
TXT Text File Inserts a text file. Click an insertion point. The test will have the current text properties .
Embed in drawing: We do not recommend you embed bitmaps or png files. If this option is set, the file you are inserting will become part of the current drawing. You can edit it just as you can any other entities. If the option is not set, the file is inserted as a reference – you need to open the file that is referenced in order to change its appearance.
Relative path: If you are not using the embed in drawing option, relative path ensures that your drawings are portable to other computers. The file is referred to by its relative position.
Bitmap Options: Choose transparency settings and outline.
PICT2R – inserts a bitmap file (non embedded)
TFILE – inserts a text file
PAR – inserts a CC3 file
INSSDEF – inserts symbols from a CC3 file
TFILEM;tfilename – inserts a text file
PARTM;tfilename;scale;rotation;insertpoint; inserts a CC3 file