Networks popup menu

This is a text-only command.

Type the text equivalent at the command prompt to add a Network

Notice that anytime during the wall drawing process, a right-click will display the Networks popup menu. This control lets you quickly select the next action to take.

Next Corner

Returns to the "Next point:" prompt, allowing you to add more wall segments.


Allows you to interrupt the current wall path, and draw a new wall path that is still part of the same network. Walls that are drawn using break will intersect cleanly with the active network.

add Rectangle

This is a shortcut to the RECTANGLE command, except that it defaults into add mode and auto-selects the wall you are currently drawing or editing.


Finishes drawing the current wall network. If you wish to add to the finished network, you must use the ADD TO command. The regular NETWORK command starts a new network that is independent of the existing one.


Selecting this will cancel the active draw/edit operation. Note that a Cancel is not the same as an UNDO . A cancelled operation cannot be recovered.


This works identically to the REMOVE SIDE command. To erase a span, select a span from any network. The span will be deleted without affecting the remaining network, even if it has been separated into separate networks that share no common nodes.


This is a shortcut to the CUT FROM command, to work on the wall network you are currently constructing. CUT removes a specified section from a span. When invoked, CC3 prompts you to enter the two endpoints of the cut. Both cut points must be selected on the same span. CC3 then removes that section from the network.


This is a shortcut to the network OFFSET command, to work on the network you are currently constructing. OFFSET creates a parallel copy of the existing wall network, offset from the outer edge by the specified distance. The offset copy draws with the same entity properties as the original. However, it is a different network, so you can separately change its line style, color, etc., as you would any other entity.


This is a shortcut to the SET WIDTH command. This command interrupts the current drawing process, and allows you to specify a new uniform wall with for walls drawn from that point. At the "Wall wifth [n]:" prompt, you can type in a new width or specify a new distance with the mouse. CC3 then prompts you to "Pick existing network [new]:". If you pick an existing network, new networks with the new width will be added to the selected network. If you right click, a new network will be started.

Change All

This is a shortcut to the CHANGE ALL command. This command suspends the current draw operation and allows you to change the width of all spans in a selected network.

Change Span

This is a shortcut to the CHANGE SPAN command. This command suspends the current draw operation and allows you to change the width of a single selected span.

Change End

This is a shortcut to the CHANGE END command. This command suspends the current draw operation and allows you to change one end width of a single selected span.