Networks: Cut from

This is a text-only command.

Type the text equivalent at the command prompt to add a Network

CUT FROM lets you remove linear segments from existing spans. This command does not affect the resulting spans’ associations with the original network. For example, if you have a network that consisted of one span, then used CUT FROM to separate the span in the middle, the resulting two segments are still part of the same network.

The two points that define a cut must be made on the same span. Remember that a span is the length between any two nodes. Everywhere walls intersect, even at T-intersections, is a network node. Therefore, cuts must be made between intersections.

To cut a span segment, select [Draw > Networks > Cut from] from the menu:

  1. The prompt reads "Network to modify:". Select the network you wish to cut. You can select any point on the network; you do not have to specifically select the target span.

  2. The prompt reads "1st corner:". Use the mouse to select the first cut point on the target span.

CC3 displays a rubber band cursor from the first point.

  1. The prompt reads "Next corner:". Define the length of span to cut. Use the mouse to select the second cut point on the target span.

CC3 removes the defined segment from the span.

If the selected point is not valid, CC3 displays an alert box telling you so. Re-select the point, ensuring that the selection point is within the wall boundary, and on the same span.

  1. The prompt reads "1st corner:". If you are finished, right-click and choose Done from the Networks popup menu . You can instead choose to continue, as long as the cuts remain on the same span. If you wish to continue cuts on the same network, but on a different span, you must finish the current cut operation and repeat the command.

Text equivalent: NETCUT

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