
Click Multipoly image\MPOLY2.gif to create a multipoly.

MULTIPOLY (Multiple Polygons) collects existing entities and turns them into a new entity. This entity can be filled with a fill pattern. This is great for creating backgrounds to dungeons, adding a color contour map or creating complex filled shapes (e.g. forests with clearings).

An enclosed entity inside a filled area will leave a hole, or unfilled area. The entities that can be included in a multipoly are lines, arcs, circles, ellipses, paths, polygons, splines, text, and existing multipolys.

This draw command works differently from most others because it requires that the entities you want to multipoly must already exist before selecting the MULTIPOLY command.

In order for an applied fill style to be contained, the bounding entities must share endpoints. Use modifiers or attach mode to make sure of this. Otherwise, the fill pattern may leak out. When a multipoly is created, all affected entities are changed to the current color, layer, and style. DONUT and WEDGE are examples of multipolys that CC3 builds "on-the-fly".

  1. Select the entities as prompted by the Entity Selection dialog box. CC3 replaces the selected entities with a multipoly entity, giving it the current layer, color, line style, and fill style.

Editing a multipoly

To work on the multipoly as a whole use commands like DRAG and ROTATE in the Edit menu.

EXPLODE the multipoly back to its original entities for individual editing.

To add new entities, use MULTIPOLY to select the existing multipoly along with the new entities.

image\tip.gifMultipoly tips

·   If you want to fill in the area between a map border and land, make a copy of the coast and template border and multipoly these.

·   If you find that the fill pattern is "leaking out", EXPLODE the multipoly and zoom into the offending nodes. Draw a line between the nodes, connecting to the endpoints using image\MODEPT.gif or use DYNAMIC EDIT to make sure the ends join. You can then multipoly again.

Text equivalent: MPOLY2