Non-Visual Rotation

Right-click Rotate image\ROTATE.gif to access non-visual rotate.

Non-visual rotate turns selected entities around a specified center. It does not show a cursor, so use it when you know the exact rotation.

  1. Select the entities to rotate%hlp_dbx_selents.

  2. The prompt reads "Rotate by Angle [n]:". ]:", with the last angle you used suggested as a default or prior value. (The default is 90° when you start a new work session.) You can:

· Right-click or press ENTER to accept the default or prior rotation.

· Type a positive or negative angle, which can include VALUES like 90.0005° or 22+1/2°. (Remember that positive angles turn counterclockwise.) For example, to turn the entities 45° clockwise, type "45" and press ENTER.

  1. The prompt reads "Rotate center [x,y]:". This is the point which CC3 should turn the entities. To define the rotation center:

· Right-click or press ENTER to accept the default or prior center.

· Use the cursor to visually select a center point (may be combined with modifiers).

· Type numeric coordinates and press ENTER.

CC3 rotates the entities around the center, which remains fixed.

Text equivalent: ROTATE

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