
Click Explode image\EXPLODE.gif to explode entities.

EXPLODE reduces the complexity of entities down to more basic components.

·   Points, lines, circles and arcs do not reduce.

·   Multipolys and symbol references will be reduced to the original entities.

·   Lines that were converted to paths in a multipoly will be exploded as paths.

·   Ellipses will be reduced to polygons.

·   Polygons and splines will be reduced to a series of lines.

·   Multi-line text will be reduced to individual single lines of text.

·   Vertical text will be reduced to individual letters.

Explode can also be useful for removing errant parts, symbols, or special entities found after importing some DXF files produced by third parties.


To break text into CC3 entites for text effects, use Explode Text

Text equivalent: EXPLODE

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