Explode Text

To access Explode Text, right click Text image\TEXT.gif.

EXPLODE TEXT makes text into more basic CC3 entities. True TypeÒ fonts are exploded into smooth paths and paths which are then made into a multipoly. FNT fonts are exploded into lines and paths.

Since True Type Fonts are scaled differently depending on the zoom-scale the exploded text can sometimes differ from the original. There is also a small difference between different fonts.

NOTE Multiline text must be exploded using Explode image\EXPLODE.gif before using EXPLODE TEXT.


· You can create text filled with bitmap fill style.

· You can scale XY or stretch exploded text.

· Other users without your fonts will be able to see the map as you intended it.

· It eliminates certain display and printing problems.


·   Exploded Text redraws more slowly

·   You can’t zoom to text or find text that has been exploded.