
Click Break image\BREAK.gif to make a gap in entities.


BREAK makes gaps in all entities except points, text, and dimensions. If you BREAK a line, arc, path, or spline, CC3 creates two entities where there was one. BREAK turns a circle into an arc, a polygon into a path, or a smooth polygon into a spline. If you BREAK an arrow or double arrow, CC3 doesn't add arrowheads—it replaces an arrow with an arrow and a path, or a double arrow with two single arrows.

  1. The prompt reads "Entity to break:". Select the entity you wish to break.

  2. The prompt reads "Break starts at point:". Select the start point for the gap. If you do not select a point directly on the entity, the point will be projected perpendicularly to the entity (or the entity’s tangent).

  3. The prompt reads "Break ends at point:". Select the end point for the gap.

CC3 breaks the entity and removes the portion selected. The command terminates.

To restore the original entity:

Use the UNDO command (Edit> Undo).


Break Tips:

Text equivalent: BREAK