Mirrored Copies

Mirrored Copies can be accessed by right clicking on Copyimage\COPY.gif

MIRRORED COPIES works like MIRROR, except that instead of flipping the selected entities, it makes mirror-image copies of them, leaving the originals in place. This is useful for drawing objects that are symmetrical about any axis. Draw one side of the object, then use MIRRORED COPIES for the other side.

To mirror entities, select Copy > Mirrored Copies:

Select entities to mirror using the Entity Selection dialog box.

The prompt reads "Mirror line start:". Select the mirror line’s starting point. You can use modifiers like ENDPOINT to lock the mirror line onto the edges of the entities you are copying, ensuring a perfect connection between originals and copies. The mirror line is never actually drawn.

3. The prompt reads "Mirror line end:". Select the mirror line’s ending point. The mirror line can be drawn at any angle.

CC3 draws new copies of the selected entities and flips them over the mirror line. The command terminates.

To reverse the mirroring:

Use the UNDO command (Edit > Undo).

Text equivalent: MIRCPY

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