Rpgnow.com and Drivethrurpg.com Customers
Lost serial numbers
Rpgnow.com customers: Please email us. Let us know the email address, and preferably the order number for your rpgnow.com order. If you have forgotten which email address you ordered from, email rpgnow.com customer service to get these details.
Drivethrurpg.com do not provide us with an email address for its customers, so you need to email us your drivetrhurpg order number if you want us to provide your serial number. If you don't have this, email custserv@onebookshelf.com.
Redownload Software
You will need your serial number. Go here to redownload your software.
Please note:
You must allow emails from profantasy.com in order to receive the email. Don't block us as spam. If you've ordered recently and haven't received your order link email, this might be the problem.
Retailer Customers
Lost serial numbers
If you've registered your software with us, your serial numbers will be listed on your registration page. Otherwise, your serial number can be found in the back of the DVD case which came with your software. We don't otherwise have a record of your serial number.
Download software
Use your CD, then login or register your software and download the latest version.
Please note:
You must allow emails from profantasy.com in order to receive the email. Don't block us as spam. If you've ordered recently and haven't received your order link email, this might be the problem.