CC3 includes drawing tools which can be customized for most mapping application. CC3 has shortcuts to some of these tools –the Overland mapping buttons (above). Likewise, most add-ons have their own drawing tool buttons and drawing tools. There are a number of sets of drawing tools in different styles, and each drawing has its own default style.
Click Drawing Tools to see a list of drawing tools for the current add-on. Right click to see all drawing tools. Select the drawing tool you want from the list. It will be drawn in the current drawing tool style.
Pull down the Style List to see a list of available styles. Be sure to choose one appropriate for your current map.
If you want the drawing tool to add its entities to the current sheet rather than the default for the drawing tool, check Insert on Current Sheet.
Each tool on the list has a name. The Tool Name Filter limits the tools that are displayed. For example, if you click Landmass from the Overland menu, the filter reads Land*, and only tools with names which start Map Land* are displayed. You can type your own filter then click Find Now to see another selection of tools.
When you have selected the tool, observe the command prompt to see what you need to do. Usually, you just click points to add your entity.
Drawing tools have a choice of Basic or Advanced options. When you wish to use a tool, use the Basic dialog box; the Advanced options are for editing, viewing or adding tools. To switch between the two, select the Advanced>> or Basic>> button. For more information on creating and editing drawing tools, see Custom Drawing Tools
A drawing tool adds either one or two entities to the drawing. The entity underneath is usually solid filled, although it doesn’t have to be; the entity on top (the outline) can be an outline or even a symbol fill or hatch style. The entities are stacked on top of each other.
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Custom Drawing Tools
Change like draw tool
Macro drawing tools
Text Equivalents:
DRAWTOOLSD Shows the drawing tool dialog
DRAWTOOLSM;toolname; - to start a drawing tool