Edit Properties

Click Edit Properties image\PEDIT.gif to change the properties of a single entity.

EDIT PROPERTIES allows you to edit the standard properties of a single selected entity through an interactive dialog box. The properties you can edit are similar to those you would edit using the various CHANGE commands:

·   Layer

·   Line Style

·   Fill Style

·   Line Width

·   Color

·   Text Style (when a text entity is selected)

CC3 displays a pick cursor. Select any single entity. The entity can be discretely selected if part of a group. Multipolys select as a single entity (any changes affect the entire multipoly). Symbol references cannot be selected. If you pick on a stack of entities, the lowest will be selected.

Note: If a selected entity is part of a group, you cannot use UNDO to restore the previous properties.

CC3 displays the Entity Properties dialog box. Modify the desired property and choose the OK button.

Text equivalent: PEDIT

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