Non-Visual Move

Right-click Move image\MOVE.gif to access non-visual move.

MOVE moves the selected entities in relation to the rest of the drawing, using a displacement (distance and direction) that you specify with two points..

  1. Select the entities to move.

  2. The prompt reads "Move from [displacement]:". You can either:

· Select a base point for the move, use the crosshairs or type numeric coordinates, or;

· Right-click to display the prompt "X,Y Displacement:". Type the displacement in numeric coordinate format and press ENTER. The displacement is distance the selected entities will be moved, relative to the origin, in both the X and Y directions.

If you opted to select a base point, CC3 displays a rubber-band cursor anchored at the move from point.

If you opted to enter a displacement, CC3 will move the entities in the given distance and direction and terminates the command.

  1. The prompt reads "To:". Select a second point with the cursor or by typing in numeric coordinates.

CC3 calculates the distance and direction between the points, and moves the selected entities accordingly.

You can force the selected entities to move only horizontally or only vertically by turning on orthogonal locking.

Text equivalent: MOVE

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