Change Line Style

Right click Change Properties image\MCHANGE.gif to select Change Line Style.

CHANGE LINE STYLE redraws entities in a different, pre-defined line style.

  1. Select entities to modify.

  2. The prompt reads "Line Style name [dialog]:". To select a new line style:

· Type an existing line style name and press ENTER.

· Right-click to display the Select Line Style dialog box.

· Select the LIKE icon ((bmc LIKE.BMP})then select an entity with the line style you want.

If you typed in a line style name, CC3 redraws the entity in the target line style, and the command terminates.

  1. If you use the Select Line Style dialog box, highlight the name of the target line style.

  2. Choose the OK button to close the Select Line Style dialog box.

CC3 redraws the entity in the target line style, and the command terminates.

Important: Use of this command does not change the current line style. Note that the "LS:" setting on the Status Bar does not change. To change the active Line Style, use the LINE STYLE command (image\LSTYLES.gif)

Note: In the Select Line Style dialog box, you may choose the New button, define a new line style, then immediately select it as the entity’s new line style.

Text equivalent: CHANGELS

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