CC3 Dioramas

image\diorama.gif CC3 Dioramas is an add-on for CC3 that allows you to create 3D terrain and props for use with miniatures.
With this innovative card-modeling design software, a printer, and a speck of skill, you can create virtually any model, simply and intelligently.
CC3 Dioramas helps you design anything from the most complex fortress to the simplest hovel, from dungeons to starships, to virtually anything you can imagine. And you don’t have to be a modeling genius.
All you need do is plug together basic nets (cut-outs) to give you any number of final models.The cut-lines, glue-tabs and fold-lines are pre-marked for supreme simplicity. But if you do fumble, it’s not a problem. Print the offending part again and all you’ve lost is some card and a bit of printer ink.

CC3 Dioramas's template printing functions allow you to model at all popular miniature scales with no re-drawing necessary. From a single drawing, you can create 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 28mm, and 30mm scale models at the touch of a button.

CC3 includes help information for all add-ons. Get more information on CC3 Dioramas 2