Draw Symbol

This is a text-only command.

Type the text equivalent at the command prompt to change the highlight color.

DRAW SYMBOL is a text-only command. It lets you insert a symbol reference for a symbol already defined in the current drawing. Type INSSYMD to use this command.

Invoking the command displays the Select Symbol dialog box:

image\symdvis.gif image\symdname.gif

These two dialog boxes display the same information. The dialog box on the left has "Display symbols" switched on. Note that the Display symbol mode can display six symbols at one time.

The dialog box contains only those symbols that are already present in the drawing.

Note: This command is obsolete except for its macro equivalent, which can be used to insert symbol references in a macro. Instead you can depress Drawing image\Drawing.gif to see the symbols defined in the current drawing and then click on one you want to insert.

Text Equivalent: INSSYMD

Macro Equivalent: INSSYM