Interface Options

Click Tools > Options to see CC3 interface options.

Display Tooltips

This option enables/disables the tool tips which can be seen when you move the mouse over toolbar button and leave it there.

Links and Hotspots are active

Select this option to make hotspots become active, showing the hand cursor when the mouse moves over them, and reacting to a click.

Repeat previous command on right button click

Select this to disable the right click context menu, and make a right click between commands activate autorepeat instead. You can change the context menu.

Use middle mouse button for zooming

Select this option if you want to use the middle mouse button to change the view of your map.

Maximized windows cover other windows

If you are using mulitiple drawing windows, checking this option causes a maximized window to cover other windows.

Disable Endcaps on Styled Wide Lines

Choose to suppress endcaps on lines drawn with a width > 0.0. The endcaps will be suppressed if the line has width, is drawn with a non-solid line style, and has a hollow fill style. This provides compatibility with CC-DOS Wide Line behavior. This setting is saved in the registry.

Pick Cursor Aperture

The value entered here determines the pixel size of your entity selection pick box. The pick box is displayed when you select entities, usually during draw or edit commands. Changing this value is helpful if your screen resolution is finer or coarser than usual, or if extreme precision is required for your entity selections. The default aperture size is 4. The current setting is saved for all sessions until you change it again.

Force local enumeration of number of copies printed

On some systems, the correct data sent to the printer does not always print the correct number of copies. If you find this, select this option.

Redraw on other apps palettte change

For users who require 256-color mode and swap between applications, this will ensure that CC3’s color scheme is correct.

Print as alpha bitmap

This is the default for CC3 maps with effects. It's slower than CC2 / CC2 Pro printing, but allows you to include effects and picture images.

Divide Resolution by

The printer's default resolution is divided by the value in this dialog. You can set it from 1-16.

If you are having trouble printing, for example using a color laser with low memory, you can reduce the resolution by increasing this value. The default is 2. If you want to try a higher resolution to improve your print quality, try 1.


Text Equivalent: OPTIONS