Comments can only be inserted in the .mac file outside of MACRO/ENDM boundaries. See fcw32.mac for examples.
A macro is defined by the sequence:
MACRO name
.....macro commands
Note that neither MACRO or ENDM is valid from the command line.
Variable names start with letters, (_) or ($) followed by digits, letters, (_)s or ($)s. Variable names are limited to 32 characters.
In macros, scripts, or menu items, the sequence:
displays the prompt text (ended with CR only!) and waits for live input.
^D forces live input for an entire getdata, which may be more than one point. For example, use BOX ^D not BOX ^D ^D.
^D keeps the appropriate cursor and allows an entire pick cycle (MOVE ^D 0,0 1,1).
^D can be interrupted by a modifier or zoom from the menu or a toolbar, but only if the menu file has a ^D for each command line input. Look at the modifiers and icons in fcw32.mnu.
Any ^D that doesn't have a prompt spelled out "inherits" the prompt from the last ^D that had one, even if it's in a completely different macro!
Append Word. This concatenates variables |
APND variable text.word.string |
Get Point |
GP variable point.expression |
Get Entity |
GE variable point.expression |
GETEXTL variable | |
Get Extents high right point |
GETEXTH variable |
Get Extents width |
GETEXTX variable |
Get Extents height |
GETEXTY variable |
Get Current Symbol Scale |
GETSYMSCALE variable |
Get Reference (frozen) Entity |
GR variable point.expression |
Get Value |
GV variable real.expression |
Get Number |
GN variable integer.expression |
Get Word |
GW variable text.word.string |
Get Line |
GL variable text.string (not delimited by space or tab) |
Get Open File Name |
GFNO variable filename.extension |
Get Open File Name w/pattern |
GFNOP variable filename.extension (can use * or ?) |
Get Save File Name |
GFNS variable filename.extension |
Get Save File Name w/pattern |
GFNSP variable filename.extension (can use * or ?) |
Gets the relative relative path |
GRFN variable filepathname |
Store distance between points |
GDIST variable point.expression point.expression |
Store angle point to point |
GBRNG variable point.expression point.expression |
Store X coordinate of point |
GETX variable point.expression |
Store Y coordinate of point |
GETY variable point.expression |
Save variable values in a file |
Transcendental functions ( for example, GSIN MySin 30 stores 0.5 in MySin ):
Store result of Sin(X) in variable |
GSIN variable argument |
Store result of Cos(X) in variable |
GCOS variable argument |
Store result of Tan(X) in variable |
GTAN variable argument |
Store result of Arc Sin(X) in variable |
GASIN variable argument |
Store result of Arc Cos(X) in variable |
GACOS variable argument |
Store result of Arc Tan(X) in variable |
GATAN variable argument |
Values stored by these functions are formatted as numeric with 9 decimal places. The expressions are delimited by : a space, a semicolon, the equal sign, the ENTER key, or the TAB key. They can contain variable names defined above, the math operators (+ - * / ( ) ), and units operators ( ' , " ,cm ,mm ,m ,km). Note: The expression analyzer does not support unary minus. This means that if A=2, -A doesn't work. But 0-A works fine (-2).
Nothing is case sensitive. The order of operations are:
parenthesis (highest priority)
multiply or divide
add or subtract
units conversion operators
add or subtract after a units postfix operator (lowest priority)
Labels are a colon followed by a letter and then optionally more letters or digits or the _ character. Labels cannot contain spaces or tabs. Do not use the starting colon on a label reference (GO/IF) but use it where the label occurs:
..... other macro commands
GOTO MyLabel
The control transfer commands are:
GO label |
GOTO label |
IFP real.expression label (if expression >0 then go to label) |
IFZ real.expression label (if expression =0 then go to label) |
IFN real.expression label (if expression <0 then go to label) |
IFERR label (if error then go to label) |
IFDEF variable label (if variable is defined, go to label) | |
ASKBOX title line…line blank.line ("No" response = IFERR flag on) |
Use the PAUSE command to suspend macro execution for a designated number of seconds. Code syntax:
PAUSE n.nnn
where n.nnn represents a real number of seconds.
Any keypress or left mouse button click will terminate the current pause early, without that key or click being treated as input data. PAUSE can be used to load and display several files in sequence. PAUSE will force a redraw after each file and ask for a keypress to continue.
Use the WAIT command to pause a script or macro until a user closes a message box..
Use ECON and ECOFF to suppress echo of text on the prompt line. If a macro goes wrong while echo is off, it's almost impossible to tell what is happening. Don't add the ECOFF command to your macro until the macro is completely tested and debugged.
Use the RUNAPP command to start another Windows application. RUNAPP can accept command line arguments.
If a .mac file has the same name as an .fcw drawing file located in the same folder, the .mac file will automatically load when the .fcw file is loaded. This feature is helpful when creating macros that only work with specific drawings.
The GE command (get entity) works like the GP command (get point), except that it displays a pick box cursor when expecting input. After an entity is selected, the nearest point (x,y coordinates) on the entity is stored in the variable. GE uses an implied ON modifier to ensure that the point is actually on an entity. IFERR is returned if no valid entity is picked. Use the GR command to select entities on frozen layers.
The macro command SAVEDXF saves the current drawing as a DXF file "CurDwgName.DXF" with no input required. Note that the SAVEASM command can also save DXF or DWG files - but you must specify a file name as well as type: SAVEASM MyFile.DXF or SAVEASM MyFile.DWG.
The APND command concatenates strings. If AA = "alpha", then APND AA beta changes AA to be "alphabeta". The APND command can be used to concatenate to string variables (i.e., APND vara varb). If the second variable, varb, consists of a null value, or is not specified, then a semicolon is appended to vara.
Use the OPENDOC <filename.type> command to open the application associated with the file. As an example, OPENDOC WORK.TXT opens Notepad with the file work.txt. If your system has a different application associated for .txt files, then it will open with work.txt instead.
The KEEPTHA command copies the final height and angle of the last text entered to the current text specs, even if these settings were determined using dynamic cursors.
Although you can drive the Select Entity dialog boxes from a macro (MOVE A D 0,0 1,1) and the dialog boxes will not display, there are some commands intended for use in macros and scripts when you want to bypass other dialog boxes. Note: these commands do not ask user confirmation before destructive actions (like loading a different file).
Bypass status buttons/dialogs with:
Cursor Snap action control |
Frame view control |
Grid view control |
Orthogonal effect control |
Snap action control |
Attach mode control |
Group Lock control |
Crosshairs effect control |
At any prompt for a filename, precede the filename with (#) to have CC3 substitute the directory where CC3 (fcw.exe) is installed. For example, if CC3 is in c:\CC3, then,
"menum #custom" loads the menu c:\CC3\custom.mnu,
"loadm #dwgs\sample\square" loads the drawing c:\CC3\dwgs\sample\square.fcw.
similarly, $ is a substitute for the current directory.
Bypass file-selection dialogs with:
Load FSC symbol catalog file by name |
Insert circular part array by name |
Load FCW drawing file by name |
Load MAC macro file by name* |
Load MNU menu by name*, becomes session default menu |
Load MNU menu file by name* |
Opens file in associated application |
Insert part by name |
Insert part array by name |
Save drawing file as name |
Save drawing file as DXF file |
Save macro file |
Run script by name |
Load FCT template file by name |
Insert text file by name |
Create part file by name |
*Because loading a menu replaces the existing menu table in memory, CC3 ignores everything in a menu item after MENUM <filename>. Same story with "code" in a macro after LOADMACM <filename>.
Bypass text-entry dialog with:
Insert text typed on command line |
Bypass symbol attribute dialog with:
ATTRIBM <tag> <prompt> <value> |
Bypass select by dialog (set selection method for subsequent List, Move, etc.) with:
Select by: dialog |
each, multiple |
each, single |
window |
layer |
color |
prior selection |
all |
Save current SELBY mode | |
Restore saved SELBY mode |
Preset any select method with SELBYA, SELBYE, etc. See "spiral" macro in fcw32.mac.
To preserve the current selection method, use the SELSAVE command at the beginning of the macro, and the SELREST command at the end of the macro. Since the save stack is nested four levels deep, you can also use these commands during a macro.
At any prompt for a layer, style or dimension style, you can:
· Enter a name (including spaces) delimited by (;) or CR, or
· Enter an ID number preceded by (#), or
· Use the LIKE modifier, or
· (If live) right-click to get the dialog box.
Bypass layer dialogs with:
Make a layer the current layer. |
Bypass style dialogs with:
Set current line style |
Set current fill style |
Set current line width |
Bypass sheet dialogs with:
Set named sheet current |
Delete named sheet |
Hide named sheet |
Show named sheet |
Shows sheets matching a text wild card |
Hides sheets matching a text wild card |
Bypass text specs dialog with:
Set font by name (or LIKE mod) |
Set text height |
Set text angle |
Set text spacing |
Set text stretch factor |
Set text justification* |
Set text style** |
*Text justification codes:
Far Left |
Left |
Center |
Right |
Far Right |
Above |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
Top |
-- |
6 |
7 |
8 |
-- |
Mid |
9 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
10 |
Bottom |
-- |
0 |
1 |
2 |
-- |
Below |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
**Text style flags (can be added, i.e. 16+32=bold italic):
1 |
Vertical |
16 |
Bold |
32 |
Italic |
64 |
Underline |
128 |
Strikeout |
Bypass Units dialog with:
Set inches per drawing unit |
Dec. places for dialogs, list, etc (not dimensions) |
Distance format code* |
Fraction rounding code for fractions of inches** |
*Distance format codes:
0 |
Straight numeric |
1 |
Decimal inches |
2 |
Fractional inches |
3 |
Feet and Inches |
4 |
General Metric |
5 |
Millimeters |
**Fraction rounding codes - display to nearest:
0 |
Whole number |
1 |
1/2 |
2 |
1/4 |
3 |
1/8 |
4 |
1/16 |
5 |
1/32 |
6 |
1/64 |
7 |
1/128 |
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