Trim Outside

Right click Trim image\TRIM.gif to select Trim Outside Entities.


TRIM OUTSIDE ENTITIES will break an entity at its intersection with two selected bounding entities, discarding the portion inside the boundaries. This command can optionally be used with only one bounding entity (breaking a line that crosses a circle, for instance).

  1. The prompt reads "Trim Edge Entity:". Pick a point on the first boundary entity.

  2. The prompt reads "2nd Trim Edge Entity [optional]:". Select the second boundary entity. The second entity is optional. Right-click or press ENTER to bypass second edge selection.

  3. The prompt reads "Select Entity to trim:". Select the entity you wish to trim or extend. Be sure to select the entity on a point between the two boundaries. CC3 breaks the selected entity, creating two new entities.

You can continue selecting additional entities to trim, as long as they are appropriately bounded. Right-click to end the command.

Text equivalent: TRIMOE

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