Change Interior Color

Right click Change Properties image\MCHANGE.gif to select Change Interior Color.

CHANGE INTERIOR COLOR lets you assign a secondary color property to an entity.

When set, the secondary color is used for interiro (fill pattern color) on valid entities. Valid entities include polygons, mulitpolys, circles, ellipses, walls, entities drawn with line width > 0.0, etc.

When entities are created, the secondary color is always the same as the primary color. CHANGEC2 is the only way to change the secondary color.

  1. Select entities to modify.

  2. The prompt reads "New entity 2nd color:". To select a new color:

· Pick a different color from the Color bar;

· Right-click to display the 256-color palette, from which you can pick a new color and choose the OK button;

· Type a color number and press ENTER.

CC3 redraws the entity with the selected secondary color (if a valid use exists).

Note that this command will not change an entity’s primary color. Entities cannot be selected by their secondary color.

Text equivalent: CHANGEC2

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