Circle: 3 Point

Right click Circle image\CIRCP.gif to add a Circle, 3 Point to your drawing.


3 POINT CIRCLE draws a circle using three points on its circumference.

To draw a 3 point circle, select Draw > Circles > 3 Point Circle:

  1. The prompt reads "1st point:". Select a point with the crosshairs and left button or type numeric coordinates.

  2. CC3 prompts you for "2nd point:" and "3rd point:" Select them as you did for the 1st point. CC3 adds a stretching circular cursor after you select the second point.

  3. CC3 draws a circle through the three points and terminates the command.

Please note: If you select three points in a straight line, a circle would be mathematically impossible, so CC3 displays an message box: "Can't create entity because: Three points are in a straight line." Choose the OK button or press ENTER to clear the message.

Text equivalent: CIR3