Arcs: Center and Radius

To draw this arc, right click Arc image\ARCB.gif


CENTER AND RADIUS draws an arc from a center, radius measurement, starting angle, and ending angle. Use this command when you want precise control over arc angles with a fixed radius. For example, you could enter a radius of 1.5" and start a circle at exactly -30°, and end it at 45°.

To draw a center and radius arc, select Draw > Arcs > Center and Radius:

  1. The prompt reads "Center [x,y]:". To define the center of the arc:

· Right-click or press ENTER to accept the default or prior center;

· Use the cursor to visually select a center point (may be combined with modifiers), or;

· Type numeric coordinates and press ENTER.

CC3 displays a circular dynamic cursor.

  1. The prompt reads "Radius [n]:". To define the radius of the arc:

· Right-click or press ENTER to accept the default or prior radius;

· Use the mouse to visually pick two points the desired distance apart, or;

· Type a new value for the radius and press ENTER. For example, draw a circle with a radius of 2 units, type "2" and press ENTER.

CC3 displays a rubber-band cursor anchored at the center point.

  1. The prompt reads "Starting angle [prior end,ESC=Quit]:". The starting angle determines the first point of the arc. Use the rubber-band cursor to select a point, or type an angle and press ENTER. Right-clicking will cause the command to use the end point of the previous are. Terminate the command by pressing the ESC key.

CC3 displays a dynamic arc cursor, anchored at the starting point.

  1. The prompt reads "Ending angle [first start,ESC=Quit]:". The ending angle tells CC3 where to end the arc. Type an angle and press ENTER or select a point when the arc looks the way you want. Right-clicking will cause the command to use the start point you previously selected. Terminate the command by pressing the ESC key.

CC3 draws the arc counterclockwise from the starting angle to the ending angle, then automatically continues the command, asking again for "Starting angle:" You may continue to draw a series of arcs with the same center and radius, or press the ESC key to end the command.

Note: This is one of the few CC3 commands that terminates only by hitting the ESC key.

Text equivalent: ARCR