Cartographer's Annual 2013

The Cartographer's Annual Vol 7

Midgard World Map and Style

April ’13

The April issue of the Annual 2013 contains a gorgeous new CC3 style by fantasy cartographer Jonathan Roberts. It is based on his world map for the Midgard campaign setting by Kobold Press.

Midgard World Map and Style

Jonathan's beautiful map style is compatible with the overland style he created for the Cartographer's Annual Vol 5, but also fully self-contained. Combining both will increase the range of symbols and textures you can use enormously.

The style pack Midgard World includes

  • 1 new drawing style
  • 2 template wizards (metric and imperial)
  • 156 new bitmap symbols in 7 catalogs
  • 43 new drawing tools
  • 17 new bitmap fills
  • 1 example map (FCW, PNG)
  • 1 example coast outline (Midgard World)
  • 1 5-page sheets and effects guide
  • 1 new effect setting